Connecting to eduroam


The simplest way to connect to eduroam is to make use of the geteduroam app. the geteduroam app takes care of all the configuration. allowing you to simply select your home institution and then enter your username and password.

Find geteduroam in your device's app store, install it, and then follow the instructions

Android 8 or newer Windows 10 or newer Apple iOS
Install the geteduroam app

Get it on Google Play
Download geteduroam

Download for Windows
Install the geteduroam app

Download for Apple IOS

Eduroam CAT:

If you're using a supported device, you can usually find the necessary installer from eduroam CAT. Head on over to and click on the "Click here to download your eduroam® installer" button to find the right installer for you.

Android 4.3 to 7 Windows 7 & 8 MacOS (10.15 or newer) Linux
Download the eduroam CAT app and
get your config from eduroam CAT

Get it on Google Play
Download installer from eduroam CAT

Download for Windows
Get a .mobileconfig from eduroam CAT

Download for MacOS
Get an installation script from eduroam CAT

Download for Linux

All of the above methods depend on your home institution telling eduroam the correct settings for their servers. If they've not yet done this, then you won't be able to use geteduroam or eduroam CAT (your institution simply won't be listed). If that's the case, get hold of your home institution's IT help desk and ask them to configure this for you!